The institute is under the direction of Regina Gwiasda.


'Gwiasda' is the Polish word for 'Star' -
together with my first name my name is 'Star-Queen'.
Throughout my adventurous life I have tried to live up to this name. 
I am a Heilprakterin (non medical practitioner) for Psycho Therapy, art and creative therapy and Art pedagogue

In my work I orientate myself on visualising a human, a kind of 'Positive Psycology' which is centered on the resourcfulness and strength of a client.
(More her:

The training formation has allowed me as an Art Therapist oustanding possibilities in labour resource.

As a 'Outdoor fan' I know about the supporting effects of natural experiences.
As a frequent traveller to India I have had the experience and the exceptional ability to pass on meaningful thoughts about our life.

This is so much easier when you can learn to laugh, for this I offer as a coach, Laughing Yoga meetings.

I am also a member of the Association for Free Psycho Therapists, Heilpraktiker for Psychotherapy and Psychlogicher Advisers.



After the 2nd official examination in Art Padagogue and Performance teacher training, I studied Art history, but chose to be Puppetier and actress after I married a professionel Puppetier

Together with my husband I write and perform since 20 years Theater works for children in the Mathom Theater - a fulfilling and creative occupation.

We focus on problem orientated theatrical works to do with 'Prevention of Violence' and 'Sexual Abuse to children'.

In addition to this I offer painting courses.

Through the work with Psycho therapists and the painting courses, I came on the idea to combine all my experiences together using further education in Art and Creative Therapy.

In the winter months I have for some years an open Atelier for expressive painting in a fantastic Indian holiday resort. There I have experienced many different clients from all over the world with different mental disorders, and decided to study to become a Heilprakterin and Psycho therapist.

In addition to this I run a LaughingYogaCourse each week in my home town Melle.


Regina Gwiasda
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